In April, Google challenged us, using Gandhi's
famous words, 'to be the change you want to see in the world'. With that in mind, I've been developing my action plan. Its focus: How can project based learning and Google Apps accelerate learning in the primary classroom, develop global citizenship in pupils and make a contribution to sustainability?
Young Reporter of the Year Awards |
One of the special things about being a teacher is sometimes experiencing the world from the children's perspectives.
Class enquiries give children free reign to discuss questions they've chosen - without lots of teacher talk! It's always an eye opener and more than a bit humbling. I highly recommend it! Children ask the most disarming questions - 'why are people cutting down rainforests when we all need them to breathe?' They simplify issues by going to the heart of the matter - our pupils asked two 'Seven Summit' mountaineers, 'if Mount Everest is so beautiful, why does it look like a rubbish tip now?' They asked their local MP,
Margot James, 'what have you done to help the rainforests?' and 'what can children do to make a difference?' Children have an unassailable belief that they can make change happen (obstacles? what obstacles?). And guess what? They can!
Margot James MP visiting Year 4 |
I've just posted Molly's article on our blog. As part of our study of Borneo's rainforests, pupils wrote articles about the devastating impact of deforestation on the Penan people. They reasoned that if the Penan could be allowed to live in the forests as their people have for hundreds of years, then that would be good news for the forests too! I sent the articles off to Amnesty for their Young Reporter of the Year Awards.
Molly, one of the youngest of the 3000+ entrants, made the
final ten! Wow!
Be the change you want to see in the world? I think our young people will lead the way if we give them the opportunity!